Disc Herniation

Family Care & check out my new testimonials!

I love getting reviews! It reminds me why I do this all day! Check out some of the new ones on my Testimonials page!

Also, I recently got word from Family Care that I can now accept referrals to treat their members! So, if you have Family Care and have neck or back pain, talk to your PCP to send over a referral to come see me and let's see if I can help improve your condition!

Our office is open MWF. Call (503) 257-3377

-Dr. Evan Halbert, DC

New video!

Dr. Halbert has created another video. However, this one is a little different. It's a discussion on some of the misleading critiques of chiropractic care with links to the referenced material. Please take a look and let us know if you have any questions or concerns!

Or you can see the youtube page here:

See Dr. Halbert on Tuesday/Thursday in the Pearl!

Beginning Tuesday, January 19th Dr. Halbert is honored to be taking on a position at the Pearl Health Center, an integrated clinic in downtown Portland, OR. He will be providing chiropractic care Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30am - 6pm alongside two Nurse Practitioners, a Naturopath, and a Psychologist. Call (503) 525-0090 now to check insurance or other payment options and schedule your appointment!

Dr. Halbert will continue to provide care under Halbert Chiropractic during his regular clinic hours at the Parkrose Clinic in NE Portland Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. He cannot see the same patient in both locations. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Cox Certification

Dr. Halbert just got his Cox certificate in the mail. Now he has another excuse to finally go get some things matted and framed so he can proudly hang them in the office. He can now point to it and say he is a neck and back pain specialist, well-equipped to handle difficult cases like disc herniation, sciatica, spondylolisthesis, and spinal stenosis.

Cox Technic Seminar

Dr. Halbert just returned from a 32 hour course with Dr. James Cox, founder of the Cox Technic. He is certified in this technique which is specifically good for conditions like disc herniation, spinal stenosis, ligament thickening or other causes of local nerve inpingement. These conditions usually involve neck or back pain, frequently with radiating pain into the extremity. Dr. Halbert is excited about what he learned and ready to use it!