In Need Of Chiropractic Care? Visit Halbert Chiropractic In Parkrose!
Halbert Chiropractic is dedicated to helping Parkrose patients in need. Our mission is to provide effective and affordable conservative healthcare for Parkrose locals through compassionate hands-on treatment, patient education, and appropriate home exercises or lifestyle changes. Chiropractic care is used to address a wide range of issues, including automobile accident injuries, a sports injury, chronic pain, neck pain, low back pain, pinched nerves, headaches, or a personal or on the job injury. Regardless of your particular needs, Dr. Halbert is prepared to help you figure out the best method for addressing your condition and administering the care you need.
Benefits of Cox Technic Chiropractic Adjustments
One of the chiropractic methods used at Halbert Chiropractic is the Cox Technic technique. Nearly 45 years ago, Dr. James M. Cox developed this chiropractic technique which combines osteopathic and chiropractic principles. Cox Technic is a gentle, non-force adjusting technique performed on a special table that moves in spinal ranges of motion. These motions allow the physician to open compressed spinal disc spaces, traction the spine and reduce pressure on facet joints and other spinal structures.
What Are The Benefits Of Cox Technic Chiropractic Adjustments?
Cox Technic is a gentle, safe, non-surgical, effective spinal manipulation for low back, neck, arm and leg pain, particularly stenosis and disc herniation related pain. This technique often acts as an alternative for Parkrose patients who might otherwise need surgery to relieve pain. Some of the conditions the Cox Technic chiropractic technique is typically known to help include disc herniation, a slipped disc, a ruptured disc, facet syndrome, stenosis, spondylolisthesis, and other conditions. If you experience any of these conditions, you can seek help at Halbert Chiropractic!
Seek Professional Chiropractic Care At Halbert Chiropractic In Parkrose
Halbert Chiropractic is proud to offer professional chiropractic care to all our Portland patients. If you or someone you know experiences bodily pain that could be relieved by chiropractic adjustments, don’t hesitate to seek chiropractic care at Halbert Chiropractic.
Call (503) 257-3377 to schedule an appointment today!